Before you arrive

For your most effective massage, take a nice hot 15 minute shower before heading in for your appointment. This can be a jump start on warming up your muscles and allow you to feel less sore during your massage. Eat light and drink lots of water before your massage! Being well hydrated makes your massage feel better.

Always try to arrive ten to fifteen minutes early for your massage to allow time to fill out client forms, relax, and use the restroom before your massage.

During your massage

Every massage therapist is trained to say “undress to your comfort level.” If you are like me every time I ever went for a massage, you will be wondering “but what about my underwear!?” The object is for you to feel as comfortable as possible, which means undergarments are your personal choice. Your massage can be completed effectively with or without underwear and you will be draped during your massage for your comfort and modesty. It is best to remove a bra for best access to the back and shoulders for massage.

During your massage I will be moving your arms and legs and head in order to work your muscles most effectively. It is best, if it is comfortable for you, to stay relaxed (go limp) during these movements. It is natural to want to “help” when moving your limbs, but staying relaxed and limp is actually the most efficient way to help me manipulate your muscles.

Also, falling asleep is natural and common. So are body functions and reactions of all kind. Massage activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is known as your rest and digest system. It can definitely make you sleepy. Massage can also tap into and release our emotions. Emotional reactions, even tears, are not at all uncommon. We are all humans!

After your massage

Always remember to stay very hydrated after receiving a massage treatment! Stretching is always a good idea and will help keep those loosened muscles limber. A nice hot bath with some epsom salts or pink Himalayan sea salt is also great for post massage recovery.

After your Cranial Sacral Therapy, plan to have a relaxing day. You will be in process after your treatment. Do not plan other bodywork or intense physical or emotional activity.

Your body will feel so great!Licensed LMT Active #MT-25974

Your body will feel so great!

Licensed LMT Active #MT-25974