This luxurious treatment is the perfect combination of massage and energy work, using crystals, essential oils, and healing touch to leave you feeling amazing, body and soul! I designed and custom made seven unique crystal amulets, combining a variety of stones per amulet, to open, balance, activate and maintain your root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras. During your massage these powerful crystal cords will be draped across your body, aligning with your chakras. I will begin and end your massage with an energy clearing using a selenite wand, tuning fork therapy, and Tibetan bowl chime. I’ve also created specific essential oil blends for a variety of intentions, including energy release, grounding, letting go, uplifting, protection, etc, which will be applied at pulse points. You will feel like a new person!

 At this time I am offering this custom massage in 90 and 120 minute sessions. Book here!